
In 1990, while in college, I met four wonderful young ladies.
They soon became my favorite and dearest friends of all time.

They were my "little sibs" who I cared for and who cared for me.

Today, I realize how much I loved them all.
They will be my family for life: Loan, Kasumi, Melsie, and Desiree.

After breakfast this morning, Jen and I went downtown to Shirphone's place to meet with Felix, Joy, and Marge. We enjoyed some Vietnamese food on Clement St, and aftewards, we walked around a little bit. We found a great little bubble tea / crepe / ice cream / mini mart shop. Jen and I couldn't resist the tempting Japanese candies, so we each bought bags and bags of fun candy. I will likely need a dental visit soon...

Yummy candy!

Felix, Joy, Shirphone, Marge, Jen, and me!

Late in the afternoon, we went to Kasumi and Bill's wedding at the Fairmont Hotel. They put together a simply amazing wedding - entertaining, fun, romantic... It was probably one of the best weddings I've ever been to. Plus, it was just terrific seeing my old college friends after so many years. It brought back so many memories of good times and endearing friendships. It was as if no time had passed since the last time I saw many of them about 10 years ago. I think we still look and feel as young as ever.

The Vows.

Husband and Wife.

My friends: Mrs. Kasumi Iida Widner and Mr. Bill Widner.

With Jen and Shirphone.

With Lan and Loan.

Old friends Alex and Karman. Simply elegant.

Bride and Bridesmaids dancing. Friends forever.


I randomly bumped into Lela and her husband this afternoon at Cafe Roma in Berkeley. They're such a nice couple. I'm glad I met them at the diabetes camp. Anyways, they told me about some other cafes near my place that have free wireless internet access. I'm there right now, and I'm psyched! Free wireless hotspots rules my world!

Kasumi's wedding is tomorrow, and because of that, friends that I haven't seen for awhile (some for over a decade) will be converging in on the Bay area. I'm excited! Tonight I get to see Jen. Soon, I'll get to see Melsie, Loan, and Desiree who I considered my little sisters in college. I hear Karman and Liem will be there too. Shirphone will definitely be around. Felix happens to be in town coincidentally, so I'll also probably get to see some other old U of I people too. I'm sure there will be other suprises as well...


Last minute dinner with some of the T-Crew. We could also be known as the Anny and Kari fan club. Cute girls they are...

Thanks to May who organized a fantastic dinner and birthday gathering for Rodney while he visits town. Jesse and Glenn also attended. The four of us grew up together in Darien, Illinois, went to high school together, joined the gymnastics team together, and got into trouble together. Now, some 15 years later, a few of us are now reunited in the Bay area. We're all a little bit older, but still as immature as ever. Some things in life never change, and some people always stay friends for life.

Ho Chie, Rodney, Glenn, and Jesse.


More than ever, I'm still considering what my mission in life will be. I've got some major hammering out to do in the next few months. I need to have some thought-provoking conversation with somebody, anybody... soon.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to going home early today. It gives me time to go contest a stupid ticket. I swear. It's the little things that just add up and push you over the edge. If the city sends a letter to say they won't begin ticketing for expired parking permits until mid-September, then don't ticket in August. It's that simple. Or better yet, send me my new permits. I paid for them two months ago.

There's a little social gathering for Grace this evening, and then a dinner party for Rodney who is passing through town tonight. I'm looking forward to some nice reunions.


Ai-yo. Busy at work. I feel like I have a rain cloud following only me...


It was a nice casual day today - fairly uneventful. I took Kari out to dinner this evening since I haven't seen her in two months. She's always nice to hang out with and very refreshing to be around. Anyways, I'm on call again tomorrow night, but I'm hoping it's not as busy as my last call. Little tiny preemies still make me nervous.


Justin demonstrates his sushi-making skills.

Cute monkeys. My smoked salmon handroll.

June's rabbit. Kristin and Steph.

HoCh, Jeanie, and Venny.


I just came back from the TAYL reunion BBQ. It's always good seeing the T-crew. I feel like I haven't seen them in ages... Now I'm off to dinner at June's. My tummy and I are super excited...

The boys workin' the grill.

Andrew, Ivy, HoCh.

Blog buddies Connie, May, and Ivy.

Tim is a TAYLer & TAFer. Alice and Jen!

Shu Jon, Enoch, Eileen, and Stephen.

Tiff, Joanne, and Anny. My favorite blogger Connie!


The TAF JH Program presents a song with lyrics written by them for all their TAF friends: TAF Of Your Life. And if you didn't know, this song was written in less than 10 minutes. Amazing.

Verse 1:
Verse 2:
Verse 3:
Verse 4:
Verse 0:

(To save, right-click on the "verses" and "save target as" a file on your computer)
Have fun! Play it as "rounds." String it together like the real thing. Play verses over.
Just don't cry!

TAF Of Your Life

Another year at TAF, the best week of our days.
When the week is done, we go our separate ways.
But all these memories will all stay in our minds.
Such an experience is difficult to find.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right...
I hope you had the time of your life...

Every year we drive and fly to learn at TAF.
To share good times together to have fun and to laugh.
Thanks to the PD's, Counselors, and the ILTs.
Us campers really liked the fun activities.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right...
I hope you had the time of your life...

The time of gathering, all places we are from.
The time to make new friends and play under the sun.
We never want to leave cuz of the love received.
Just make the best of it and remember all we believed.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right...
I hope you had the time of your life...

Let's try to remember all the good times in our life.
Don't forget to use your knowledge in family strife.
Try to make the best of your memories tonight.
Sprint to paradise and experience the light.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right...
I hope you had the time of your life...

This week in Junior High, the time has passed us by.
We watch the tears slide down as all of JH cry.
Here comes the moment to say bye to all our friends.
No matter where we are, Junior High love never ends.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right...

I hope you had the TAF of your life.

The Blooper Series.

Pucker up! Real muscles!

Ranee - the camera! Will the real junior please step forward!

True love? Say cheeeese!

Say Ahhhh! Melody and Jon. Hmm.

Beat down. A normal smile please.

Pondering over Staci's butt.

I got out of work really early today, so I took Kasumi out for dim sum. She'll be a married woman in a week. I'm so happy for her! We've been good friends since 1990. Wow.

I just came back from a walk to campus town. After a slice of Blondie's pizza and a bubble tea, I'm doing A-OK. Good stuff. My day is now complete.

It looks like a great week ahead: TAYL reunion tomorrow afternoon, a Viet-style dinner at June's tomorrow night, sushi dinner at Justin's on Sunday, a party for Grace on Wednesday, dinner with Rodney, Jesse, and Rochelle also on Wednesday, and of course the upcoming wedding and reunion of long-time friends who I haven't seen in ages... I'm feeling warm and fuzzy all over...


I just started back at work in the hospital again... and already I'm needing it to be the weekend. Where's my motivation? I think I left it in somewhere in the mountains last month.


It's back to the regular routine again at the hospital starting tomorrow. My weeks of fun fun fun are now over. It was a nice "summer break" for me though. Due to some last minute switches, I'm starting a different rotation than expected, and I'm taking call on my first day back. I'm feeling a little rusty and unmotivated. But I think that will change once I get back into the swing of things. Plus, I have the weekend off unexpectedly. That works out nicelyfor the TAYL reunion coming up.

Click here for the TAF JH Punk'd video edited by Chris Lee. (It's big... make sure you have a fast connection).


It's official. I have too much time on my hands. And yes, I know Mitchell is missing. That's what the movie is about. Read the movie synopsis and review

August 2003

Starring: Jeremy Chen, Lillian Cheng, Mitchell Chung, Tinya Peng, Ryan Wang.

Manchester Pictures presents a film co-directed by Christine Shay and Jon Lee. Written by the JH Staff. MPAA Rating PG-13 for language and cultural references. Running time 123 minutes.

By Ho Chie Tsai

The tables are turned when the Taiwanese American Foundation's S.I.L.T. (Special Intermediate Leadership Training) unit must rescue fellow S.I.L.T. officer Meecho (Chung), an unsuspecting victim of Racism and Prejudice. An old veteran TAF officer (Tsai) is given a second chance to bring together a new S.I.L.T. team to protect Meecho and the JH community against an unknown enemy.

As individual stories unfold through the eyes of S.I.L.T. members played by Wang, Cheng, Peng, and Chen, the uncertainty and drama intensify. However, the JH community comes together in unified force by taking old school Captain Moynihan’s leadership lessons to heart.

In a climactic final sequence, the S.I.L.T. team joins the TAF leadership in overcoming Racism and Prejudice and empowering Meecho to look beyond violence. What results is a transformation of character through self-reflection and identification of ethics and values. The ending lifts our protagonists to a higher level of understanding than could possibly be imagined.

Expert cinematography by the JH staff under the direction of Shay and Lee provide a stimulating interpretation of personal self-discovery and the search for community identity.

In a summer of several generic campy films, “S.I.L.T.” is a well-made action/drama thriller that stands out as a superior role model for future generations of films. I give this film two thumbs up, and I can’t wait for the sequel planned for release in August 2004.

Michelle is so cool! She made a bubble tea cursor especially for my Bubble Page! Yay! How cute! I love her!


This is nice... sitting at my favorite cafe in the early morning with a mocha and laptop in front of me. I'm chatting with Lillian, Karen, and Amy online. What a perfect start to the day...


1. I'm back home in Berkeley now. I get to sleep in my own bed, even though it's a bit dusty after six weeks.
2. I missed Harmony's birthday two days ago. Happy belated.
3. Today is Ranee's birthday. Happy birthday.
4. I've been trying to catch up on blogs. There are people out there who don't even know I read them.
5. My newest hobby: people watching.
6. I would like to buy an archery set.
7. I need a good dose of TV and movies. And some TAF love.

Another session of Camp Okizu comes to an end as does my six weeks of camp experience. During this time, I have learned much more from all these kids than a medical education could ever teach me. I am reminded that life is a precious thing. It's a wonder that so many of us take it for granted. I hope to go forward from this point a changed person with a vision to change the world.

My next goal: To write a personal mission statement to guide my path in life.




It's another beautiful day here at camp... I wonder how I shall spend it...


I miss my TAF friends.


And I am off to camp once again and won't be back until Sunday... Hopefully, I'll be able to have a few minutes of internet access each night or morning. I'll definitely be feeling the urge to chat with my TAF buddies this week. TAF love - that's where it's at. I hope you had the best TAF of your life...

Some more TAF photos:

JHers rock my world!

The JH Staff... Inspiring.

The Junior staff and kids, soaking wet, after the waterfight...

The Junior Program after TAF Night.

Nancy! Anna and Jackie!