
The day after tomorrow, I will wake up and realize how quiet my apartment is without Jessica and Anna. And I will wonder how the summer is passing by so fast. Although I will regain some solitude, I will most certainly miss the chatter and presence of my summer buddies. It is every guy's dream to have two cute girls as roommates - and I'm not quite sure how I was lucky enough to end up with both of them here. Anyways, someone will have to pinch me to make sure I am really awake and convince me it wasn't all a dream...

Jessica = best roommate ever.


Dinner at Outback. Meat for the Midwesterners.


Anna = friends forever.


Through undisclosed turn of events two months ago, my computer system, wireless network, and internet access had been rendered completely inaccessible. The fine balance of my apartment's technology-driven work stations and entertainment centers were sorely missed... especially by a tech addict like me who feels the necessity to read cnn.com every 10 minutes or so, and in between, be connected to my email and AIM network.

Evidently, the only thing available to me, in the words of Princess Jessica, was my "(measly) collection of 6 DVDs," which I might add, all happen to be in the same Star Wars collection. My rather temperamental (cheap) DVD player is a whole other story.

But now, after investing some time and energy towards salvaging my losses, rebuilding, reinstalling, and reorganizing, I am proud to announce that the power of my wireless apartment is back at full Force. And then some.

So Jessica, all I have to say is: "She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself."

The lesson of the summer? Well, in the words of Obi-Wan, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

Yeah, man, I'm feeling you. The Force is strong with this one.


My buddy Anny!

She's tiny!


The "I have nothing to do during the daytime" lunch club.


Farewell dinner for Sophia & Lester.

Ming, Lester, Jess, Young.

Brendan, Sophia, Linda, Margo.

Sophia's Pooh-Pooh.

TAF Love SF.

Old school TAFers: Nancy, Lester, Andy, Kim, HoChie.


Can they get any bigger?


Overlooking Waimea Canyon.

Beautiful waterfall.

Hanalei Beach on the north shore.

Hidden beach.

Where life is simpler.

Sunset at Princeville.

Sunrise at the Kuaui Sands Hotel.

Crashing waves.


Opaeka'a Falls near Wailua Bay.

More refreshing shave ice! Mmmm!

Dinner at the Fish Hut.



Shaved Ice with Mei-fei! I'm so happy!

She's such a considerate host! What a sweetie!

Street-side aquarium! I'm so amused!


Lunch buddies.


Dinner with Jon. What's wrong with Margo?

"I just wanna be one of the peeps!"

Can't get enough of Group A is for Awesome!

Who are these hot babes in pink?

Chillin' in the shade.

Gloria! Alice, Ivy, and David!


Lunch with Jen, Frank, and Jon.


Lunch with Cec and Jen...

This is what people without day jobs do.


Welcome home Anny! *Big Hug*

Christina, Tiff, Mike, Alice, John, Anny, & me.

A fishbowl?

Taiwanese moms rock! Especially when they feed hungry souls like me.

This mom belongs to Judy, though. Darn!


Chillin' with Linda & Margo.


Late lunch with Tim, Kim, and Mengting.

Making bubble tea look good. Mmmm...


One of my latest projects has been helping out with a new medical organization called Selam Foundation. The logo and website is my creation...



So much I'd like to say, but won't...


I had a nice weekend speaking to and hanging out with the participants at this year's TAC/EC conference. I always hope to inspire my audiences in some way, but oftentimes, I'm not quite sure if I have achieved that goal. This year, however, after presenting to the high school level program in particular and hearing some of their personal comments and compliments to me... I've concluded that perhaps I am making a difference and an impact. If my life ended today, it would be OK. I feel like I might be remembered for doing some good in the world.

And for the record, there were a few moments on my plane ride where I'm sure many of the passengers thought it was the end.

I, however, was OK through it all.


Judy, LinLin, Ann, Peggy, Godwin, Christina.

High schoolers.


Bubbles and smiles!