Thank you, friends, for expressing your concern and sending your condolences. It is in moments like these when I am reminded of the strength in our network of families and friends.
The past few days have been so emotionally consuming and so surreal. I have asked myself if this is something I should write about in such a public space. And, although I first hesitated, I have decided that I need to, in order to pay tribute to him, share my feelings, and give closure to this episode.
But, how do I write about something that should never have happened? He was young and strong. He was kind with the gentlest of hearts. He had a beautiful family who he loved so much. And he had the brightest future ahead of him.
My dear cousin, Jeff, was hit by a bus earlier this week while walking across an intersection. As a result of the head injury sustained in the accident, he passed away soon thereafter. He may not have known what hit him, and we believe he did not suffer.
But, the world suffers because there is one less person out there that exemplifies human kindness and compassion. He was the kind of person the world needed more of - one that would never hurt a soul. He was respected and loved by the many people that knew him. And that is why this is so unfair.
I am doing OK. I am. My soul cries for his. And my thoughts are consumed over the well-being of his wife and two children, with a third child on the way. They are so beautiful, yet their lives will now be changed forever. My thoughts are also with his brother, sister and their parents. Their family was so close to ours. We had spent so many memorable summers together... on camping or family trips, at our home or theirs, at TAF... Those were undoubtedly some of the best times of my life.
Jeff, you were more than a cousin to me. You were my friend, a brother, and someone I regarded as a role model. I miss you, and I love you. It hurts so deeply to know you are physically gone. But, the memories we made and my respect will never fade.
I promise.