I'm taking call this month for the Purple team. Although I have no Halloween spirit this year (Boo! Boo!), they do. Here are a few of the team members arriving at work this morning:
ho chie's blog
where I blabber about anything and everything. or nothing at all. life is good.
Laura started her first day as a volunteer here at the hospital helping out at the Halloween party for the kids. She looked cute in her blue volunteer coat.
I plan to ignore Halloween this year. If someone says trick-or-treat to me, I will respond with a silent and expressionless cold stare. That should freak the begeezus out of them. And if it doesn't, I will scream some high-pitched gibberish and then steal their candy.
My roommate is moving out soon. I have grand plans to redecorate my apartment with a modern art deco theme. And I suppose if I run out of money and can't afford to replace the furniture, I will end up with an equally satisfying modern art minimalist look.
I am currently accepting donations for my new furniture fund. Credit cards accepted. I'm serious.
After one and a half years of living in this apartment complex, I went to the pool for the first time. I only got in as far as my knees. It was damn cold. I can't feel my toes anymore. I think that will be the last time I go swimming here.
NaYoung has a full schedule of friends to see today. I shall be her chauffeur for the day. Time to play... and eat.
Eating on Fourth St. Eating at Crosswinds.
Eating at North Beach.
Eating at a sake bar. I'm full now.
How exciting! Not only is NaYoung visiting me this weekend, but Doreen sent an email yesterday saying she will be visiting too. I like visitors. It makes me happy and allows me to do touristy stuff shamelessly.
Yes, Doreen, if you visit me,
you can be on my blog page...
I hung out with some residents at a pediatrics meeting at Fort Mason in San Francisco this evening. What a wonderful view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay. Priya and I took off early so we could celebrate Sylvia's birthday along with Marlene and Myra in Piedmont. Good folks, chill times.
Fellow residents.
The view from Fort Mason after sunset.
Happy Birthday Sylvia! Yummy crepes, ice cream, and desserts!
Days after the tallest skyscraper in the world was completed in Taiwan, Liz and Andy's first child was born. Just a reminder that all great things start out small. And one story at a time. Congratulations.
Yesterday, I heard a news report that the number of murders in Oakland surpassed 100. I live near Oakland. I remember hearing that the number of soldiers killed in all of Iraq after the war ended is somewhere in that same order. Y'know... I think it might be safer to be there than here... in this one city.
I missed a TAF Juniors reunion at Andy's place in Michigan not too long ago... Apparently, there were lots of video games, computers, and entertainment systems to play with. That Andybear is much more spoiled than me. I miss my TAF kids. They feel so far away.
Group photo, courtesy of Nick
The sun will be setting soon. I'm sitting at the bubble tea cafe that I like so much. I've got my laptop and a newspaper to entertain me. This is one of my two favorite times of the day, especially if I get out of work at a reasonable hour. I appreciate the opportunity to let the stress dissipate into the madness of the world around me.
My other favorite time of day? That would be the few minutes just before falling asleep in my fluffy feather bed with my head enveloped by my down-filled pillow. With the window wide open, the cool night breeze drifts past my face like a life-saving breath of fresh air. It makes me feel like I'm sleeping outside in a cloud. Mmmm... Delicious.
I got a last minute invitation to join Irene, Victoria, Perry, and Margaret for dinner in Mountain View. That may have salvaged my weekend somewhat. Back to the daily routine tomorrow. Aiyo.
I bumped into JenChen's sister, Michelle, while she volunteering at the hospital yesterday. That was pretty much the only highlight of the weekend. I'll start cursing if I start dwelling on how painful the rest of the weekend on call was.
Tony, an old friend from college, is in town. I'd say it has been a good 10 years since I last saw him. Wow.
Michelle, Nancy, Vivek, Tony, Luigi, and me.
As I sit here eating my popcorn chicken and drinking my bubble tea while surfing the net, I realize that some of you reading this don't know that I know what you think I don't know. Let me qualify that... I kinda know... where and how you got to my blog page. Yes, I'm spying on you spying on me. Not only that, I see I get "googled" about once or twice a day. That of course, does not include the perverts out there looking for h-o-o-c-h-i-m-a-m-a-s who don't know how to spell the word correctly. Anyways, I started thinking about the concept of being "googled," and I wonder if I should feel somewhat exposed or something. But I guess it's not like the original days of the internet where one had to "finger" someone in order to find out their info. Disturbing. I shall contemplate this some more as I consume my bubble tea. I guess I have nothing better to think about at the moment. For the time being, you may continue googling me.
Big day folks. Big day. My Friendster list surpassed 100. Therefore, I am no longer feeling so friendless. I have an Urban Tribester of One Hundred. I'm almost impressed with myself.
I had a nice dinner with Kari. I think my life would be more interesting if I had more soap opera-ish events happening to me like she does.
Anyways, I just read this read an email from Yush who piqued my interest in this phenomenon of "Urban Tribes" that are forming among my generation of peers. It apparently explains why I am not married and would prefer to be single and just hang out with a community of friends. I feel such relief. All along I thought I was just a loser. I must share the good news with my urban tribe. Except, I'm not sure who's in mine...
An Urban Tribe of One.
It's Monday. But since I worked both Saturday and yesterday, it is actually my Sunday. But it also happens to be Columbus Day. But I haven't had that day off since grade school. I think. Whatever. I'm going to watch a movie.
I have a craving for meat. Feed me.
Addendum: My roommate treated me to dinner. Thanks Armen! The ribs were yummy. I can feel the grease in my system. We will both die young.
Margaret and I went to preview the Fleet Week air show practice by Fisherman's Wharf today. Those Blue Angels pilots sure know how to fly with precision and speed. I wonder how I might get a ride on one of those.
Howard Dean for president. Bloggers unite. Clark's and Bush's blog pages don't compare.
"Mr. President, I'm a blogger. I know blogs. Bloggers are friends of mine. And your site, sir, is not a blog." -- Howard Dean, October 7, 2003.
And that's the most political I will get on my blog. Yes sir. I know blogs. And this is truly not a blog. Bye.
Cha-Ching! **Double Wink** "Happy Birthday to super-foxy cutie-pie Miss Lillian!" **Super Big Hug** (Asian pop remix in background) Camera zooms in on **Big Smile** and **Peace Sign**
Arnold. Arnold. What is the world coming to? At least Prop. 54 didn't pass.
On a side note: Happy Birthday Cathy!
Another Airport Blog...
I'm about to leave Seattle, head back home to Berkeley, and go back to work this evening. I'm feeling the "good" tired. I had a great weekend hanging with my buddies here and doing lots of fun and interesting things. I hope I can visit again soon. Thanks Seattle friends!
The Seattle "Underground." Before there was Starbucks...
The historic Pioneer Square. The Seattle Center fountain.
The Space Needle and Gehry's architecture.
Pike Place Market and all the bright lights!
The Farmers Market at Pike Place.
Polynesian dinner with Andrew, Vanessa, and Tina.
Yummy! Salmon spread on a bagel with Seattle coffee for breakfast at the Still Life Cafe! I'm getting energized for another touristy adventure in the downtown Seattle area today... The plan: Underground Seattle! ooooo....
I had an excellent day doing touristy stuff around town. Vanessa and I started the day off wandering around the UW campus and University Avenue. Then we met up with Tina and headed down to the International District to wander around the Uwajimaya market and the Wing Luke Asian museum. Tina and I took a detour to check out Fremont, a hip artsy neighborhood where a big Troll lurks under the Aurora bridge. Linn and Judy joined the rest of us for dinner at a Korean place on University later that evening. And finally, we checked out the Queen Anne area where Judy lives, and I was so pleased to take some great scenic shots of Seattle. Yay Seattle! I like it.
Vanessa's home near the UW campus.
The International District and its Dragons.
Obligatory bubbles! The Wing Luke APA Museum.
Contemplating the Japanese American internment camp exhibit.
The Gardens. Closet bubble tea-aholic.
Super Hard? What?! The Fremont Troll.
Mean Trolls.
The Aurora and Fremont bridges. Fremont = "the center of the universe."
Dinner with my Seattle buddies: Linn, Tina, Judy, and Vanessa.
Chillin' at the Queen Anne Hill city overlook.
The view from the Hill. Postcard Perfect.
Yay for nighttime Seattle!
The view from Alki Beach.
Bright city lights.
The Space Needle.