
Sophia and I went to San Francisco State University to watch The 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors. I have to admit, the first time I saw them years ago, I wasn't overly impressed. But this time, their comedy skits were quite entertaining and witty. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. Good stuff.

I need to go seek out more Asian American arts and activist events. That's what I'm missing in my life right now. Something with a little passion...


bored. tired. trapped. *yawn*



Strange. I just saw a flock of a dozen turkeys walking through my backyard. It appears they were heading toward the hills. I think I just witnessed the Thanksgiving underground railroad. Seek freedom, my fine feathered friends! Keep hope alive!


A haiku in reflection of a zen-like brownie moment:

a soggy brownie -
heaped upon a paper plate
as hunger sets in


I like brownies.


Dinner and movie tonight with some co-workers to celebrate Cherie's birthday. She's a sweetie.


I don't like Turkey break. I don't like turkey, and I'm not very thankful in general. Then, I get to look forward to working both Xmas and New Year's. But that's ok, because I'm a grouch. Grumble grumble...


It was one of those days that lingered on just a little too long...


I ate alot today. My stomach might explode, and that would not be a pretty sight.


A TAF College Program planning retreat during the MLK weekend here in Berkeley is looking good. So far, the attendees will be:

1/10-1/18 Karen
1/11-1/17 Margaret
1/12-1/20 Heather
1/14-1/17 Zeyen
1/14-1/17 Nancy

plus, Jon, Christine, Andy, Lester, Young... maybe Harmony and Linda? Who else?

Oh yea. And a special visit by Kelly in December.


After living in California for two and a half years, and resisting the temptation for just as long, I finally succumbed to my inner cravings... I drove myself to BK and ate some onion rings. Mmmm... Supersize that.


Man. That movie always brings tears to my eyes. *sniffle*


Ugh. It has felt like an exceptionally long weekend for me. After hanging out with Christine and the TAF gang last night, going to sleep a little late, waking up this morning way too early, and then sitting through an entire day of lectures, I am mentally and physically exhausted. For once, I have no desire for human contact, no smile to share. I just need a little peace and quiet. Hopefully, I'm back to my regular ol' self tomorrow.


Weekend in Monterey.

Mengting joins me for a visit to Monterey & Carmel.

At the glamourous Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa.

Located on the historic Cannery Row.

The highlight: A private strolling dinner at the Monterey Aquarium.

With fellow residents and deep sea friends.

Carmel's lone cypress tree. Monterey at daybreak.


Off to Monterey...


Back to working a daytime schedule, but I'm also on call overnight again. It's definitely not bringing a smile to my face. But, I am looking forward to a mini-vacation this weekend...


Christine is in town. Hanging out after dinner.


Edna Mode: "Yes daaahling... Too many words... Gobble gobble gobble..."

The Incredibles was shown on our closed-circuit TV network today, so I got a chance to see it for a second time. Pixar Studios is essentially across the street from my hospital, so the animators and production manager visited us and the kids to talk about the making of the movie and to draw them sketches. Apparently, the kids requested more Nemo sketches than anything else. No matter, it was still a good day to be a sick child in this hospital.

Oh, when watching the opening sequences of the movie, look for references to this local area including the line "Driving north on San Pablo Avenue," and the super car's GPS map showing Stanford Ave. & Park Ave. Pixar Studios is located on the corner of San Pablo and Park Ave. Fun stuff.


Anny and I had a nice little gourmet lunch at gourmet prices today. Then we went shopping for mirrors and lights to complete my home improvement design plans. I need some better cash flow, since cash is flowing a little too quickly out of my pockets...


Apparently, the two older gentlemen who have been operating the hospital cafe and serving me coffee for the past two and a half years are Taiwanese. I heard them conversing, yet I never knew...


A TAF College Program Planning Retreat here at my place in California is officially scheduled for the upcoming MLK weekend, 1.12.04-1.14.04. Look into your travel plans, my east coast & midwestern friends. Some serious work will be accomplished... Exciting!


Busy day driving, eating, playing...


I've been online shopping way too much. I admit it; I have a problem. But I also have a brand new practically free DVD player amongst other new things.


OK. I won't move to Canada after all, now that the boundaries have been redrawn. Thanks to whoever started forwarding this image around. It made my day. I'm sure this might offend some people out there, but I don't care... There's still 55 million people on my side, not including the citizens of Old Canada.


Gloomy day. I'm going to sleep and pretend it never happened.


Today will prove to be a pivotal moment in history. I hope I don't have to seriously consider becoming Canadian.


My sleep/work schedule is so messed up, I'm not sure whether the food I just ate counts as breakfast or dinner. Whatever. I need a nap.