
This past weekend, I visited LA primarily to hear my filmmaker friend Karen speak on a panel regarding the topic of visual arts and film. I love these sort of events because the speakers typically have so much passion for what they do. In their work, they hope to make an impact by sharing their creative views of the world. I find this so inspiring and motivating.

As I walked into the event, one of the first people to greet me was the event organizer Angela, a young woman who appeared to be in her mid to late 20's. She said to me, "You probably don't remember me, but you were my first counselor at TAF camp back in 1989."

My jaw dropped. I was practically speechless. That year was my first as a rather young and inexperienced counselor for a camp that I have since devoted my life to serving, previously as counselor, then program director, now Board member, and oftentimes speaker, mentor, and camp doctor.

"You sent me a pink postcard with the Little Mermaid on it, and you wrote 'Listen to the song in your heart' in my yearbook," Angela said with a smile.

As I took her hand and gazed into her eyes searching for a hint of memories, I was overcome with a sense of amazement and excitement! She briefly told me about her life path, and I felt so proud to reconnect with this woman who had once been "one of my kids." Yet, I was slightly embarrassed that I could no longer visualize the beautiful child's face I once knew some 18 years ago.

I have such passion for my work with young people, and I was just figuring that out during my early formative years as a leader in training. My unexpected encounter with Angela, who clearly and so vividly remembered our experiences during those wonderful days at camp so long ago, reminded me that we all make differences in peoples' lives. Sometimes, we just don't realize the impact or how long-lasting the influences can be. And once in awhile, the reward comes as a surprise much later in life, just like this chance meeting with Angela. Now, that is true inspiration.

Thanks Angela for reminding me why I do this work.


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