
I'm not the type of person that cares much about awards or recognitions. Never have, never will. If one is following his/her heart for some greater good, simply seeing an idea come to fruition should serve as reward enough, I say.

However, I do appreciate that ITASA brought a group of us "founders" to the East Coast conference to talk about how/why we started ITASA. The opportunity to share stories and history to a younger generation is always a privilege. I suppose that I never really could have foreseen how nicely the organization would blossom over the past decade and a half, and certainly the credit should go to so many energetic and idealistic Taiwanese American students who followed us.

Co-coordinator Jon and his Rutgers staff did an amazing job running a jam-packed conference. I really commend Jon for his heart, his passion, and showing others what true servant leadership is all about - by integrating himself among the people he served and always putting his staff above him. How can you not respect an individual like that? Ask Jon if he appreciates the recognition that many will give him after such a successful conference - I'm sure the answer will be "yes," but the other important question is if he needed any recognition at all to accomplish what he did.

I think I know the answer to that question.

And that's the difference between a leader and someone you would follow.


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