We all live these parallel tracks in our path through life, where we have expertise and accomplishment in certain areas and fledgling experience in yet others. We are good at lots of things, getting better at others, and maybe without potential in some. This reality is just something we all have to accept. The hardest part, however, might be weaving in and out of our communities with or without our game face on, figuring out where we really fit in, how we are seen through other people's eyes. In the face of perceived or true inadequacy, however, the truth is we are all afraid that one day we'll be "found out," and then all respect will be lost. I guess this fear is what drives us to be better.
I'm no exception.
There are days when I feel so accomplished, yet others when I wish I could be so much more than I really am - personally, professionally... I wish I could share more, but I'm afraid too.
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