
ITASA West Coast turned out nicely. Props to the organizers at Stanford. Several of my TAYL crew made it to the conference. I'm so proud of them. Also, I forgot Jenny was coming to the conference from USC, so it was a nice surprise seeing her emerge from a crowd to give me a hug on my arrival. I also had the opportunity to chat with Calvin (representing my very own U of I) who knows my Illinois TAFer crew and is involved with all the organizations I used to dedicate so much time to: AAA, APAC, TASC, etc. Sounds like the APA movement is alive and well there, with an APA Cultural Center on the way. All those years of work paid off. Damn. Who would've known.

Mengting from NW was also at the conference, and I just didn't realize it was her until just before I left. I chatted with her briefly, but I'm excited to know that she's soon moving to the Bay area, and working next door to Berkeley. And she's gonna be Sandra's roommate. Talk about excellent Taiwanese Americans! And cute women at that.

I had the opportunity to chat with Rosie and Lily, as they were conference speakers too. At dinner, they mentioned that when they were little kids attending TAC 1990 at Cornell, they had such crushes on me and Tim (who were college students at the time). Funny how info like that re-emerges years later.

How come I can't be someone's crush now? Boo.

Anyways, I enjoyed speaking at the dinner banquet. My message in summary: "You each have a special and unique gift to offer the world. Know that is true. Ultimately, you will end up doing what you were meant to do. Realize your Passions today. Make an Impact for tomorrow." I think it was an appropriate topic as an intro to Welly's speech and impromptu performance immediately after. I think this is the 5th time I've crossed paths with Welly in the past year, the last time being in Seattle for his Wedding Banquet musical premier.

Good friends. Good times. A complete blast from the past. I'm having fun again.

Jane, Ho Chie, Ivy, Welly, and Dina.

Calvin from U of I! My fav NJ girl, Jenny!

TAYL folks: Ivy, me, Eric, Charlie, and Chuan-mei.


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