I confess. I have two blogger lists. Two. One list is composed of all my friends who have blogs. I love them dearly, and I read them religiously. But the other list is of bloggers who I don't know at all. And I'm addicted. Sometimes, I find that reading the thoughts of a complete stranger is so refreshing. It's a little bit voyeuristic, but I've gotten over that. People post knowing that strangers will stumble upon them. That's my excuse for having this addiction. With that said, I quite often come across bloggers that simply impress me. There are some witty and wise folk out there - some have intelligence and wisdom beyond their years, some have lives that transcend the boundaries of their computer, and some are not afraid to speak their mind or share with the world. I am envious. I wish I could meet them in person. But then, I wouldn't have two lists anymore. And where's the fun in that?
Hello stranger. Welcome to my blog.
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