
So here's an example of the wonderful web of my world - I know Rick and Karin from college. Of course, they're Taiwanese American too, so they go back to my early TAF days. Jen, who I know from the Bay area Taiwanese American crowd, is dating Ryan who was in Rick's TAF college program many years ago. Ryan also went to med school at Northwestern, so I know Bena has crossed paths with him before at some APAMSA function in years past. Bena is also very good friends with my senior and friend at the hospital, Susan. And Susan is very good friends with my long-time friend Lynna who also happens to be Karin's sister. Phew. So Karin used to be AAA president back at U of I in '91-'92 while I was her Internal VP. I followed in her footsteps and became president the following year. Bena used to be UIC APAMSA president in '98-'99, and I followed her the next year. Her brother Benjamin is apparently the current Internal VP of AAA at U of I. Oh, and Bena's current Attending physician is Felix, who also went to U of I with Karin, Rick, and I. Most of these guys just met each other tonight... And I didn't even mention all the other friends they probably have in common... My world is feeling a wee bit small today.

Rick, Jen, Karin, Bena, and me

Boba at Relaxtation. Surprise visit to Jenny.


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