I decided to make a pitstop to visit Christina, Annie, and Amanda on my way through LA and ended up joining their family for dinner. How fun! The girls haven't changed a bit since I last saw them at TAF 2001. Christina was in Carrie's and my small group - and she's such a tomboy. I think it's so cool that she knows who she is and doesn't feel pressured to be so "girly." Her latest interests outside of skateboarding include soccer and mountain biking. The mere mention of ballet brings a silly frown to her face... And the fact that she HAD to wear a skirt to school today (since she owns none) was apparently a near-traumatic experience for her. So funny! I wonder when I'll get to see them again in the future.
ho chie's blog
where I blabber about anything and everything. or nothing at all. life is good.
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