
It has come to my attention that my friends think my life is full of excitement and non-stop action. Yet, I remind them that I'm still working over 80 hours a week, plus I have to take time to wind down, sleep, wind up, move from here to there... So that leaves very little time to really have the grand adventures that many people think I have.

"But HoCh... you're taking pictures all over the place!"
Yes, true, but they are merely snapshots in time. In reality, my people contact over the past month adds up to roughly 4 1/2 hours. That's like 9 half-hour sitcoms. Without commercials. Alas, what you are really seeing is rerun after rerun of the same Hoch-infomercial. And did you even notice the recycled pictures or images stolen blatantly from other blogger colleagues?

"But HoCh... you have so many friends!"
A-ha! Not true, but an easy mistake to make for the untrained reader. Look again. It's the same 12 people I know! Different angles, different years. I've known them for so long, they just look like different people year after year. For example, equals equals and you didn't even know it...

"But HoCh... you're so popular and cool!"
Umm. It's New Years Eve. I'll be sitting in front of my TV alone this evening... watching fireworks. woohoo. yay. oh i can't contain the excitement.

"You mean Ho Chie's Blog Page isn't real?"
It's all a facade - what Lillian calls a Broadway show. More special effects than story. Enjoy.

It's OK, now you know the truth. I'll be alright. *sniffle* But I'll keep pushing forward because I just want to help all the little people *tear rolls down cheek* out there believe in something. That life can be grander tomorrow. That the New Year holds unimaginable promises for all of us. *sniffle* Just believe.

*Audience Applause*
*Ho Chie takes a bow


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