I went for a little jog up the Berkeley Hills behind my apartment. This is what I found at the top. With a little imagination, you can figure out what it is.

On my way back down, the CAL vs UCLA game was just starting, and I happened to find a great spot where people were watching way above the stadium. My roommate says it's called "Tightwad Hill." But, hey, that fits my budget just right.

And it has a little canon on top that fires off every time a touchdown or field goal is scored by Berkeley. Score at halftime now: Berkeley 10 - UCLA 3. Go Bears! But really, I don't care who wins. Go Bruins? I know nothing. I'll let Frank be the sports expert here.

So as I was sitting there watching the Honor Guards parading the flags on the field, 2 military jet fighters buzzed the top of the hill... right over where I was sitting. I think that was just about the coolest thing that I've seen in awhile.
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