So, I was just catching up with Frank's blog, and one of his stories reminded me of something that happened the other day. At June's BBQ, one of the few non-doctors there was this Asian guy named David. I chatted briefly with him - he does interesting stuff working with a TV station here in San Francisco. Anyways, later on as several of us were relocating to my place to watch the fireworks, he says "Are you the Ho Chie with that Taiwanese American Foundation? Don't you have a brother named Gary?" Of course, I say yes, but I'm totally surprised that anyone out here really knows about TAF or my brother. We chat for awhile later, and I find out he went to TAF back in the stone age. He's throwing out names from the early 80's including one of the kids that I used to play with when I was growing up. And he remembers meeting me. Honestly, I can't remember... The whole thing was just too coincidental... on the edge of freaky. Neat, but freaky.
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