
I was really impressed by the PanAsia event and the student organizers at the University of Chicago. In addition to a slide show presentation of Corky's works and the exhibit itself, there was a spoken word performance by this Vietnamese American from Minneapolis, Bao. He was very impressive and eloquent. One of the lines from a piece he presented was "Asians: the other white meat." I know it's out of context, but I think it's one best phrases I've heard in awhile. I only write it here to remind myself where I first heard it. You might have to really think about it for awhile to understand it. If you don't get it, don't worry about it. Just let it remain some weird Ho Chie rambling about yet another Asian American socio-political issue. Anyhoots, Joanna & Elvin (sighting #2 in 2 days) were also at the event. Later on, Marlon & Anida (yes, another sighting #2 - is this Ho Chie's own personal Asian American Awareness Month or something??) dropped by because they had worked with Bao before. Some of you out there may know Marlon & Anida as one half of the I Was Born With 2 Tongues group if they toured through your college campus. So, as we were chatting with Corky & Bao, I mentioned that I first learned about Corky through a workshop he gave at one of our APA conferences down at U of I back in the early 90's. Well, it turns out Bao was at the conference that year too. And of course Marlon & Anida were fellow U of I students... My world is shrinking even faster.

1/2 of Elvin, UofC student, Bao, me, Joanna, Anida, Marlon, Corky & his sushi.
That IS a big fortune cookie below us.
And that IS a 2001 TAF Staff t-shirt that I'm sporting.
"You bring out the Taiwanese American in me."


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