I had alot of time on my hands today... so I decided to go on a little walking tour of UIC to take some pictures. I was hoping to make UIC look prettier than it really is, which, as all UIC people know, is quite a challenge. Anyways, I started walking around and snapped a few photos before bumping into Charlie outside of our Union. He decided to join me on my walk... So we walked through our medical school lounge where I took a few more photos. Then we headed back outside and into the courtyard so I could get a picture of Aesculapius, the god of Medicine, aka Charlie. I also took a pic of this statue.
I found a couple of nice perspective shots of the Sears Tower from UIC. And here's a view of our hospital within the medical center. Can you see me??
Well, we kept on walking with the intention to head down Taylor St. for a quick bite to eat and coincidentally bumped into Becky, just getting out of her rotation! So she decided to join us (since we're such fun guys, of course), and we found a nice little Italian eatery/shop to chill in for a little while...
Becky and I picked up this drink that Charlie was having - "an authentic European drink," he said. And we also decided to work on a box of these Italian Pizza-flavored breadsticks... that turned out to be a little bit weak on the Pizza taste. But they were fun to play with though. Becky is awesome! She smiles and laughs at everything! I amuse Becky... or she kindly humors me. I dunno.
So, Becky and I were sitting there thinking that these "authentic" drinks tasted like Orange Crush... when I finally noticed that our drinks weren't the same as Charlie's! He had the "truly authentic" San Pellegrino, while we, the silly fools, had picked up the similar-looking knock-offs by accident! Some Orangina brand, not even European, canned in Florida... So cultured we seemed. That was a nice laugh. Expensive Orange Crush.
Anyways, it turned out to be a much nicer walk than I anticipated. It was cool hanging out with those guys for awhile. And I got my pictures... Yay!
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