OK. Yes. Hmm. That was a rather large party yesterday evening. And a long one that lasted into the wee hours of the night. After a couple hours of sleep, I dropped Tiffany off at the airport and Crystal off at the bus station. Nance, Carol, and Young also woke up early to join Lester for more fun in the city... So after a day of cleaning, laundering, and multiple naps, I think I've now recovered. But, I definitely have to thank my TAF crew visitors for helping me prep and host the party, and Stephen & Bob for manning the BBQ grills. Without them, I'm not sure I would've survived the 80 or so guests that came... Yes. Rather large party. But fun!
Weekend guests: Crystal and Tiffany!
College buddies: Jean & Nohnny. With Stephen & Bob, on my tippy toes.
Old friend, Michelle. Some of the TAYL Crew.
Food, food, food!
Group photo of doctors! Stat!
Ai-Ling, Young, HoChie, and Cindy says "A-OK."
As the fog rolls in...
New intern friends.
Happy belated birthday Timmy!
The other half of the party, indoors where it's warm.
Some more pics from Carol's cam:
With Mengting and Mengkai. Carol & Tiff's fruit salad galore.
HoChie, Cindy, Crystal, and Ai-Ling!
And finally, my favorite... TAF Love, West Coast.
Current and Alumni TAFers: (back row) Tiff, Carol, Cindy, Stephen,
Mengkai, Kathy, Karisa, Sandra, li'l Timmy hiding, Mengting, Brian.
(front row) Nancy, HoChie, Lester, Young.
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