The lunch Carol and I prepared for our Bay area TAF friends turned out quite nicely. The menu ended up being appropriately Taiwanese, from green onion pancakes for appetizers through the selection of red bean and peanut-flavored moi-gee and lychee for dessert. One of the nicest surprises was that Sophia, who had just moved into town, also joined us. How exciting that she is now here too! Our TAFLove crew is growing by the month...
However, this is the last time we'll all be able to sit together as a group since Carol and Nancy's time in the Bay area has sadly come to an end. They have definitely made my summer so fun and memorable... I will miss them. Kinda. Because, well, I get to see them both again at TAF in exactly one week. But, yeah, I'll be sad when I return from camp...
Nancy, Lester, Young, Brendan, Ho Chie, Carol, & Sophia.
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