
I'm getting more excited by the day... My Seattle trip scheduled for this weekend is starting to take form. I'll get to see multiple friends including: Hannah, who I haven't seen since she was in the TAF JH program and is now starting college; Linn, my friend and not-so-little-anymore ex-TAF JR, neighbor, sister of my college roomie, who is also starting school at U.W.; Vanessa, my cool TAC buddy and fellow JR/JH program counselor years ago; Tina, TAF/TAC friend that I haven't seen in years and sister of blogger buddy Margaret; Andrew, an old college buddy that I had no idea was in Seattle; Judy, my fellow TAFer from way back who just left UCSF to be a resident physician at U.W.

So I also plan to watch the U.S. premiere of the 2nd Generation musical production of The Wedding Banquet in Seattle. And since Welly is still starring in it, I'll once again see him (for the 3rd time within the year). He'll probably think I'm stalking him or something...

The trip is shaping up nicely, and I'm so excited to be able to see all these friends! Maybe I'll discover a few more friends in the area before I actually get up there...


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