
It was a nice beautiful day today. We started the day with a little bit of bubble tea... The right way to start any day. Here's Nina bringing me my Taiwan-style Green Milk Tea. After that, we headed off to see an apartment where she might be staying next month. There was this cool historic Victorian home next door that basically belonged to the family that brought us toilet paper. Yes. Toilet paper. Who knows what people used to use before that. We'll let the imagination run with that one.

Then we drove around a little bit near the area and found a place known as "the Rock." From here, we could see all of downtown San Francisco as well as much of the bay. If you look closely enough, you can see the Golden Gate bridge next to me.

Then we headed up towards Twin Peaks to Karisa and Brian's new house for a BBQ where we ate lots of good food. I don't have a pic of their home, but here's a pic of the neat-o bird house on their deck. Once again, I find out it's such a small world... I saw Connie and Tom (from University of Michigan and also TAC people) at the BBQ. Turns out they are cousins of Brian and are now living in the bay area. Connie, of course, knows our dear TAF Junior staffer, Celia. Then, I meet two girls who turn out to be a cousin and a sister of one of the residents in my program. This resident just happens to be my "big sib." It also turns out that my big sib just met Karisa last night. After eating enough for lunch and dinner, we headed home by way of Twin Peaks. Here's a view from the side of the road. You can see "the Rock" at the lower left corner.

Look again, and you shall see the bubble tea in my hand. And that shall be the end of my day...


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