
I suppose this is my first "unofficial pseudo-commissioned" sketch. I had been meaning to do this much earlier when Cat asked me to, over a month ago. But, it seems I can only find creativity like this every once in awhile. Tonight was one of those evenings. During one of my quiet moments at one of my favorite hideaway places in Chicago, I got to thinking about relationships, about who in this world makes us content and happy, and about the future... I guess most of us can only wish and hope that we find something as special as what Mike and Cathy have. They are so perfect for each other and such a wonderful complement. If only we could all be so lucky or so willing to take a chance with our hearts. I guess I can only keep wishing upon some bright star in the sky. But in the meantime, I'll just keep looking for more reasons to draw. Tonight, that inspiration came in the form of a cute little crab that lived in a paper bag and, for some reason, kept calling me "superstar." Don't ask. Any more sketch requests?


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