OK. So I've come to the conclusion that this blogging world is way too small and that I have too much time on my hands right now. Earlier today, I got an invite from Tim to come as a workshop speaker at ITASA 2002 at UIUC, so I decided to search for some info about the conference using google. During my search, I found this interesting blogspot of some person named Jeyi, and so I started surfing around. After awhile, I started realizing there were other names I recognized, like Karina, Celia's friend from U of M. After a few more clicks, I start finding a whole bunch of other TAF names in other circles of friends like Heather, Shirley, Andri, Nancy, and others... I see friends' names mentioned in their blogs like Lynn in NJ... Then while catching up with Frank's blog, I see he's probably gonna visit her this weekend... What a small world. It's creeping me out. Anyways, I guess I don't know most of these people really well, but it's kind of weird? wierd? (which is it Frank?) to actually read about their lives, as interesting as they may be... But, I guess I am excited to discover that Nancy has a blog page too! I'll be reading you girl!
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